Moreover, in the evening the car "vodka tasted" will be displayed online, ergo you can use this post for comments about its features.
Here we go.
1) I believe, because Lotus was the great revelation of 2012 and there is no reason to hypothesize a disastrous step backwards. It's an agile team, structured according to the needs of the post-modern F1. They will be at least close to the top three teams.
2) The Lotus, understood as property, has a plan in the medium term. It is not true that they are short of money, the budget for 2013 is already fully covered and this is good news.
3) Let's stop with the theory of Kimi being a drunk, uncommitted and unreliable. He's just been the star of a great and amazing comeback!
4) With Alonso, Hamilton and Vettel, in strictly alphabetical order, Raikkonen is one of the Four Horsemen from the Apocalyptica. He has the advantage of all those three of not ever breaking the b*lls to those who work with him. After a career of over ten years he has has never talked *** No swearing*** about the engineers or his teammates in public. Despite all the reasons he might have had ...
5) Kimi will also have extra motivation: regardless of the seasonal outcome with several drivers contractually 'locked' for 2014, he is likely to become the man-of-the-market. Let's say for example Webber and Massa, where are they? Stay tuned, because something is moving like snakes under the leaves.
6) Since 2013, year one of the era WC, ie Without Cola, I would be happier with a championship WK, ie With Kimi.
7) Vodka is cheaper than whiskey.
8) Grosjean is not a Demolition Man. Stop. Instead he is very, very fast. He must exit the tunnel of insecurity, it must be nice to go to the track when you know you are considered public enemy Number One. But he has the talent to succeed.
9) With the net of raids of Django The Unchained aka Grosjean, are we sure that there are more competitive pairs in F1 2013 than this one?
10) Finally, the heart can not be controlled and Kimi as a world champion would for me be like when I as a kid woke up on Christmas morning and ran under the tree ...
What might happen, what you could imagine to happen, what will not happen.
Shall I start?
Let's go.
1) The tragicomedy in Red Bull. Today Vettel said he apologized to everyone for his actions in Sepang, but he didn't feel he had to apologize for the victory because drivers are there only to win.
I still believe that even if those two would be in front in China GP, um, well, he would do the same.
2) The strange feud in Ferrari. Here it goes. Tell me, tell me, what kind of an animal are you? What happens if Massa is still faster than Alonso in Saturday qualifying? Will they call Cola back to the pits to handle the media? Will they break the seal of Felipe's gearbox? Will Domenicali look for the job as a figure-partisan at the Quirinale Palace?
3) Are we sure sure sure that Ham is faster than Rosberg?
4) They say in the paddock that Kimi has already signed for Red Bull in 2014.
5) In this case see Section 4, I read the New York Times.
ZitatThe boss in Red Bull is Badoglio
Formula1 April 11, 2013
I finally figured out who is in charge at Red Bull.
Mateschnitz? No.
Horner? No.
Marko? No.
Marshal Badoglio? Yes, sir.
Badoglio said once: the war continues.
And the war continues under the roof of Red Bull.
Thursday in China.
Vettel speaks. If I am in the same situation again then I would probably do the same thing. Webber did not deserve to win. Webber has never been supported me, he is a fast driver but not a friend. I apologized to the team but not to him. I don't understand why the team would have to give me a fine, how do you punish a driver who wins the race?
Webber speaks. I don't give a crap to everything that has been said. It is not true that I thought I would immediately leave F1 after Malaysia. Everyone saw what happened. I am here to win and to win all the races. I will talk about my future in summer as always, but not before.
After that a tuft of the Holy Drinker's blond hair jumps out and he says; ah, I enjoy Formula One, strange things often happen, however, it's a fact that my contract with Lotus is about to expire in 2014 and I don't have any commitments.
Finally Dom gives his blessing to the German press saying that Vettel is not less than Alonso and adds that Seb and Nando would be a perfectly manageable duo in Ferrari.
I'll go and tell that to Webber so that we can have a few laughs.
ZitatValeria A. Valeriano I'll give a try: "If I were in Alonso’s shoes, I too would be fed up with the Ferrari idea (right and sacred idea, my opinion is well known) to bring back home Kimi. But if I were Alonso, I would ask myself a different kind of questions. Looking at the final outcome (especially of the seasons 2010 and 2012), has it come useful, on the personal side, not to have a competitive team mate along me? And what’s the point of me getting so irritated at a market operation which is part of the game, since I'm giving Ferrari so much and the team itself has given me a lot? Isn’t it true that during these years Webber has won races for Red Bull, Button for McLaren when there was Hamilton and now Rosberg despite having Hamilton himself as a team-mate? I don’t know. I have a dream. He (Alonso) doesn’t. We’ll see how it will end."
ZitatL’ATTESA. Stando a quanto dichiarato dallo stesso Montezemolo nel sabato dei geni-scemi, questa settimana la Ferrari svelerà il suo piano per il 2014. Le cose stanno così: Kimi Raikkonen, ultimo campione del mondo con la Rossa nel 2014, ha siglato un precontratto biennale. E’ la scelta migliore, la più sensata, l’unica che metterebbe la squadra al riparo da possibili ‘mattane’ di Alonso. Naturalmente, in Formula Uno vige la legge del Trap: non dire gatto se non è nel sacco. Ma, a meno di non essere più scemi che geni, per usare il frasario di Fernando, una retromarcia sarebbe incomprensibile. Anche perchè la presunta alternativa (Hulkenberg), beh, con tutto il rispetto può esaltare solo gli ingenui.
English version:
ZitatWHILE WE WAIT. According to allegations made by the same Montezemolo on Saturday of the genes-stupids, this week, Ferrari will unveil its plan for 2014. It's like this: Kimi Raikkonen, last world champion with the Red Army in 2014, has signed a two-year pre-contract. And the best choice, the most sensible, the only one that would put the team away from possible "mattane" " title="dunno" /> Alonso. Of course, in Formula One applies the law of Trap: do not say cat if it is not in the bag. But, unless you are more stupid than genes, to use the phraseology of Fernando, a reverse gear would be incomprehensible. Also because the alleged alternative (Hulkenberg), well, with all due respect can enhance only the naive.
member of AS forum, eronrules, made a translation of Turrini's view of events:
ZitatHERE are all the secrets to kimi - leo turini
And now let's go.
1) In June of 2012, while I was in Poland for the European Football Championship , I hear that Raikkonen has offered his service to ferrari. . At the time seemed imminent firing of massa , so the blond has made ​​his move with timely effectiveness.
2 ) In July of 2012, before leaving for the London Olympics , I go to dinner with Stefano Domenicali . The other two diners were my lady and Fernando Alonso , who was celebrating his birthday.
3 ) We agreed ( conditio sine qua non , that we are here ourselves) that we would not have talked about F1. And so it was . With one exception. I asked Fernando: if in the future you have a chance of getting Raikkonen as your team mate, would you take it???
4 ) Response Alonso : It is not true that I am scare, all the mess with Hamilton was born because the entire team was deployed with him. If Kimi came here I would not have any problems, we think. we respect each other , then you'll see who goes on the race track faster .
5) Also in the summer. Domenicali had two meetings with the Holy Drinker . There was an agreement in principle , as I was told in London during the final basketball game between US- Spain .
6) But it lacked the presidential ratification . Montezemolo was not opposed to the idea , but not enthusiastic. There he and I saw each other at a late summer afternoon , when the seat of Massa still dancing. Claiming innocence , i threw the name of the Blond before him . The president was very honest : '' not now , he said, now would be premature.''
7) And so in practice a year passes . Incidentally, here as well , for a long time , has been made a lot of confusion epilogue of the first experience of Raikkonen in Maranello . It 's true that it was decided to focus on Alonso , another sample. An Option that's not scandalous , if one thinks without prejudices . But it is not true that Ferrari has ' disgraced ' Kimi , this is a fantasy of utter idiots. . It 'was the media circus, the waiters that took action , imagining that to please the boss . The servants never fail , but to say that the jokes di Montezemolo made on the ' Phantom twin of kimi raiiknen ' (which he also did with massa BTW " title="" /> ) were offensive is ridiculous, then what should people say about Alonso after the presidents comment post Hungary this year ' ?
8) By the way, I knew that Domenicali was always kept in touch with Raikkonen , even when the Blond was cheerfully in the rally.
9) in 2013, the beginning of July . The rumor spread that Raikkonen has signed for Red Bull (who sponsored their rallying ) . I meet the Dom and I inquire concerning this hypothesis. He looks at me and laughs. I do not understand . Tell me why guffaws , I ask him . Answer: for now just know that only the Red Bull wants him seriously, but he has not signed and I think he will not sign it. Not for them .
10) At this point , things are made ​​(finally!) to run. I know that Alonso was informed before the Hungary . He was told that this was the intention of the Scuderia , that there was a negotiation in progress and that the Ferrari was expected that Fernando would honor its commitment to long-term whoever was designated as his partner.
11) Alonso said: works for me . If you think seriously or not is another matter , however, and we'll find out just living .
12) In Budapest Raikkonen has signed a preliminary contract for the 2014-2015 period . The document was subject to the final approval of the president Montezemolo .
13) I have written to you the famous story del'usato safe during the break in August. On my paper column i have been more explicit , calling it as 'done'. I took a big risk , but I knew I could trust . And it was very funny, in the following weeks , encounter , at every level, the incredulity of those who just wanted to be there (to publish it beforehand) , couldn't accept it, would go back now untenable judgement, etc.
14) When the article was on my papers with the announcement of the return of Raikkonen, there was a line to the beginning of the piece: Montezemolo decided. The President made me call his emissary, to inform me that they had not yet decided. I sent an sms. Text: and then decide, this is the right thing to do and she knows very well.
15) L ' made ​​it.
16) in conclusion, the Patagonia is the ideal place for those who must be prepared to play from goaltender in ice hockey team of Fanano. (i have no idea what it means :stoned:)
so this was the whole encounter and list of events according to leo Turini
couple of points
1. Fernando at no point objected the return of Kimi to the scuderia although he would've prefered to have someone like Massa to be his team mate.
2. the tension between Alonso and LDM has nothing to do with kimi's arrival, although it didn't help i guess in calming down the tension.
3. SD always maintained close contact with KR. also the perception of the relation between KR and LDM are quite different to what people outside the scuderia believes it to be.
leo turini said in the end that in a couple of days he'll tell us more detail regarding the events related to KR's movement to scuderia ferrari.
He likes Kimi but still likes Ferrari even more. The thing about Ferrari not talking bad about Kimi but the media... I know it only took a couple of words from Montezemolo for the media to blow things over proportion. But they let them, they never stopped it or rectified anything. They never said good things about Kimi or defended him in any way and since Kimi wouldn't talk about it either, Ferrari just let the media eat Kimi alive.
And now when asked about it Monte says: what happened between us last time... We won the world Championship " title="roll" />
Zitat von WHATEVERHe likes Kimi but still likes Ferrari even more. The thing about Ferrari not talking bad about Kimi but the media... I know it only took a couple of words from Montezemolo for the media to blow things over proportion. But they let them, they never stopped it or rectified anything. They never said good things about Kimi or defended him in any way and since Kimi wouldn't talk about it either, Ferrari just let the media eat Kimi alive.
And now when asked about it Monte says: what happened between us last time... We won the world Championship
ZitatThey never said good things about Kimi or defended him in any way and since Kimi wouldn't talk about it either, Ferrari just let the media eat Kimi alive.
#perfect I couldn't agree more Whatever! " title="five" />
I have no intention to try and defend Alonso, referring to the agitation his very recent remarks aroused (summarize: Kimi is not faster than Massa).
However, like Perry Mason I could argue as follows.
1) Fernando is very naive. Ever since Dasha came into the picture, his naive side is more exposed.
2) Unless you really think after the last few seasons that Raikkonen is not stronger than Felipe, um, it would be a classic case of incapacity.
3) I exclude that Alonso is mentally insane.
4) Certain phrases against a colleague should be taken as ‘lip service’, because Massa has, for better or worse, been his companion-squire-Butler for four years.
5) Don’t forget that Felipe hopes to stay in F1 2014 and if Alonso speaks well of him, then it gives him pleasure.
6) Exclude any negative impact on the Hispanic-Finnish couple for the simple reason that Raikkonen SODDINGLY blissfully ignores any comments from the outside and this is his strength and that is why that Ferrari has done well to take him back.
7) After all, I’m sorry, but if Alonso had instead said: ah, well, thank goodness Massa will leave, who during four years not even once helped my cause by taking away decisive points from Vettel ‘, if he had said the unvarnished truth, wouldn’t we scold him for being a treacherous, ungrateful and heartless captain?
8) Anyway, I tell you: there are five months until Melbourne in 2014, fortunately Kimi does not read and listen.
9) Come on, if you think seriously, Alonso’s phrases sound like the famous last words from ‘Giacomo’.
10) Anyone who wants can go to the free practice in Japan.
Zitat von Olga[8) Anyway, I tell you: there are five months until Melbourne in 2014, fortunately Kimi does not read and listen.
Thank God for this! h" title="hih" />
I'm sure more songs will be sung by Alo over the next 5 months! " title="lala" /> Hope he doesn't start his 1st race in Oz will a bad throat! " title="ha" />
I do hope Kimi isn't making a big mistake to return to Ferrari, all of the good work he has done in Lotus is coming to fruition as it seems like they could finally be competitive until the end of the season. They are doing well and Ferrari is falling behind. On top of that Kimi will not have Mark Slade, who really understands him. I hope we dont see a repeat of Ferrari not listening to Kimi.
I don’t know if he really has signed up for the Lotus. It’s certainly a very interesting development. There was the scandal when Williams left him without a car after a pole (a pole!) In Brazil GP. Obviously I find the assertions of those, who after the last two races, is tearing Kimi into pieces ridiculous! Ah, but Ferrari should take this phenomenon instead of Kimi!
They are pathetic tricks that lead me to stay unique in my opinions. I would add that if one has a head, maybe they should ask why the Sauber is flying now, when it floundered until September. None of the propagandists of the regime asks that and I’m too old to fall in certain traps.
Regardless of that, Hulk is very good in my estimation.
I don’t get him. Time passes and you need to get over it. Not only the trains go by. I would add that if you are the waiter for four years and then when you don’t get a renewed contract, the butler suddenly gets a great sense of autonomy and independence? Um, well, to me it’s suspicious.
Grosjean, 9.
By applause. I want to mess with the excessive sincerity; because in my opinion, if Kimi had started in his place, then Kimi would had won at Suzuka. But it was fortunate for the French that he was in that place and not Raikkonen.
After that, put the alarm clock on. If Romain for the remaining season would be in front of the Blond, there is only one explanation – very convincing… the contract that the Holy Drinker signed for 2014 and for 2015.