Quote: Appletree wrote in post #2HI Susitar and welcome! Great idea , lets see if this gets wind under the wings! So far a bit quiet here, sad to think this went down the toilet .
Yahoo, awesome to see you Apple *hugs*
We met for the first time in the Kimi Lounge, do you remember?
El Banco is the barista, so you can order anything you want from him. He is here to serve us, lol
Choose a sofa or an armchair and make yourself comfortable.
Kimi is driving an Alfa Romeo, how cool is that? Alfa and Romeo, it doesn't get cooler than that *faints*
Could you please please please write a story now that the season is beginning and put it here? Kimi Lounge is nothing without Appletree's stories!!!
How have you been? How do you feel about Kimi in Sauber?
Lol, are you still on the same page with me according Vallteri? He sure hasn't made me think any better of him!
Quite a shock that Matti Nykanen died, very sad. He was Kimi's good friend, wasn't he?
A friend from Tampere called me years ago telling that she is now dating Matti Nykänen and I can read about it from Seiska.... Hmmm, I don't think she made headlines though.
Great to see some people still alive of the good old days. Will be happy to visit this one again. Think lots pf people switched to another one all in german called http://www.kimiisland.de. So all in board for a new Alfa Romeo season
Hi jpp47, nice to see you too. So there they are then. Susitar, I would like to have a big cosy armchair, and ofcourse a mug of coffee, thankyou el banco.
Do we have a piano here? I like to play every now and then. Hugs , Niksu.
Quote: jpp47 wrote in post #4Great to see some people still alive of the good old days. Will be happy to visit this one again. Think lots pf people switched to another one all in german called http://www.kimiisland.de. So all in board for a new Alfa Romeo season
Awesome to see you jpp47
I am so on board for the new Alfa Romeo season
It has been years since I last followed F1, but now the F1-bug has bitten me - again.
Hey, you live in Switzerland, don't you? Are people still talking about the fading Jenni 'someone'? She is in Finland but nobody talks about her here. She was going to make it on her own... talk about a self-inlated ego...
Is Alfa Romeo Racing in Switzerland? I understand Sauber changed their name to Alfa Romeo Racing this year.
Kimi and the team will get a lot of attention from the media, just like in Lotus. Yet they tried to belittle Kimi's impact. Now nobody talks about Lotus anymore.
Is Lettuce (Romain Grosjean) still in F1? If he is, has he learned how to drive?
Great to see you *hugs* My computer crashed years ago and deleted all my e-mails and contact informations, so I have lost contact with all of you. How are you doing, jpp47 (Jean-Philippe?)?
This is going to be an awesome season, I can feel it in my bones!!!!
Quote: Appletree wrote in post #5Hi jpp47, nice to see you too. So there they are then. Susitar, I would like to have a big cosy armchair, and ofcourse a mug of coffee, thankyou el banco.
Do we have a piano here? I like to play every now and then. Hugs , Niksu.
Lol, Niksu, where did you get that from? Don't say that you have talked with my dad
Dad managed to single-handedly ruin my reputation as a teenager, by calling me "Niksu" in front of the gang. There was no end to the songs "Niksu Niksulasta" --- which reminds me of Donald Duck, did you ever read the story with the dangerous weapon they could hypnotize everybody? I'm still rolling on the floor remembering Uncle Scrooge with the device "PIM you are hypnotized". "You have no legs. There are no doors." etc. and Donald falling down the stairs thinking he has no legs and not finding out of the room because he didn't see any doors. PIM you are hypnotized is still a very vivid memory, lol
Oii, you can use your imagination to get the room just as you like it. Your own Shangri-La. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable You can play the piano or take a bath
El Banco doesn't need a thank you from Kimi-fans *still remembering year 2008*
Do you remember the Greek dude's name who started the Kimi Lounge -thread? We went pretty hard on him with our jokes, remember? He knew we loved him though.
Quote: jpp47 wrote in post #4Great to see some people still alive of the good old days. Will be happy to visit this one again. Think lots pf people switched to another one all in german called http://www.kimiisland.de. So all in board for a new Alfa Romeo season
Wow, new posts!!! Hello all I gave up, it was very quiet here... Nice to see some people back.
JPP, the German forum is also dead, I stopped posting there too. I think many are now mostly active in Twitter. But lets see. Maybe with Kimi away from Ferrari some will return I was not so happy about Ferraris decision. But now as I see Kimi smiling a lot and so relaxed, I feel better. I hope Kimi will have two good years with Alfa Romeo. We know as more fun he has as better he is. Lets see
Quote: jpp47 wrote in post #4Great to see some people still alive of the good old days. Will be happy to visit this one again. Think lots pf people switched to another one all in german called http://www.kimiisland.de. So all in board for a new Alfa Romeo season
Wow, new posts!!! Hello all I gave up, it was very quiet here... Nice to see some people back.
JPP, the German forum is also dead, I stopped posting there too. I think many are now mostly active in Twitter. But lets see. Maybe with Kimi away from Ferrari some will return I was not so happy about Ferraris decision. But now as I see Kimi smiling a lot and so relaxed, I feel better. I hope Kimi will have two good years with Alfa Romeo. We know as more fun he has as better he is. Lets see
Sweet Jalumi, long time no see
Oh no, is the German forum also dead *sigh*
Kimi certainly seems to be very very very happy and he doesn't regret one bit leaving Ferrari. He is now closer to his family and Sauber was his first team.
But hey.... imagine that MTV made an article about Evenstar's 'absolutely brilliant' banner in Barcelona tests:
quoteAbsolutely brilliant! Kimi Räikkönen's superfans honored the Iceman in an awesome manner
21.02.2019 10:16
The most favorite driver Kimi Räikkönen's fans arrived to follow Barcelona F1-tests.
Räikkönen's return to Sauber inspired at least one awesome fan-banner.
Twitter-user @EvenstarSaima has published a photo of a banner, which is inspired by the movie Back to the future, starred by Kimi and Mark Arnall. The bald Arnall has been photoshopped to look like the movie's Doc Brown.
The brilliant banner has the text "Back to the Future 2001-2009".
I follow politics on Twitter, but couldn't help noticing how people were fawning over Kimi's behaviour after US GP on Twitter, because he took his cap off before shaking hands with a General. Something that is in the backbone of every Finnish man, but apparently it is unusual elsewhere.
quoteWill Buxton:
Just watched the podium back and so impressed with the respect Raikkonen showed Gen. John M Murray. Often forget Kimi, like all Finns, did military service. His sudden cap removal when he realised who was shaking his hand was a really classy moment.
The comments says it all, it was amazing to read them.
Now when Kimi was in a sponsor event in Geneva, he stopped the interview to say hello to a woman in a wheelchair, for whom he also stepped down from the podium in Silverstone.
It reminds me of the time when Kimi was at the Presiden'ts castle on Finland's Independence Day. He didn't want to talk to politicians, instead he was having a discussion with the War Veterans, whom he respects higher than politicians.
Räty, Mieto, Saarinen, Parviainen... How Finnish sport legends talk about Kimi Räikkönen - "He is probably goddamn short"
Iltalehti published a magazine (84 pages) about Kimi Räikkönen's colorful career and the F1-season 2019. By buying Iltalehti you get the magazine for free. Guess who is running to the supermarket, lol
The magazine has interviews with Finnish sport legends; their experiences and thoughts about the blue-white sport star Kimi Räikkönen. (As well as an exclusive interview with Kimi)
Javelin thrower Seppo Räty:
- Kimi is very "sepporäty"
(Seppo Räty is the 'bad boy' among Finnish sportsmen, who blurts out "Germany is a s*hit country" after losing etc.)
- He is probably goddamn short. How else could he get in that box.
– F1-business seems to have prepared answers. Kimi handles it by being traditionally laconic, because he knows he is not allowed to say what he wants.
– In sport Kiimi goes all out, both mentally and physically, and then some reporter shows up asking bizarre questions, no wonder he is not interested in replying at all.
”A Strong Personality"
Ski legend Juha Mieto has followed Räikkönen's career very closely:
– He is a strong personality and has a very strong determination. Somehow one can't but respect and have sympathies for him.
”A Brusque Finnish Man"
Skier Aino-Kaisa Saarinen:
- Räikkönen is a funny dude.
- Kimi is... well... a brusque Finnish man.
- I think people are attracted to Kimi especially because of his honesty. It can't be easy to cherish a trait like that if you are a sportsman.
– Kimi is himself. I don't believe that he pretends anything It takes courage to be like that.
”Pure Diamond"
Javelin thrower Aki Parviainen:
- Kimi's behaviour is pure diamond.
- I believe, that Räikkönen comes with a few surprises with Alfa Romeo.
No longer words on Jenni. But of Mintu people find Kimi is a lucky guy with her and kids. As he lives very close to the Sauber factory he can almost visit them in pajams.....
Now when Kimi was in a sponsor event in Geneva, he stopped the interview to say hello to a woman in a wheelchair, for whom he also stepped down from the podium in Silverstone.
Kimi is The Man!
The lady is Nathalie McGloin, a tetraplegic british racing driver. And seems she is an absolut fan since she meet Kimi for the first time. This is, what she wrote:
quoteOn our way back we saw Kimi Raikkonen being hassled by some overly enthusiastic fans clearly on his way out of the paddock after qualifying. Despite Kimi looking like he had somewhere to be, I decided to introduce myself. Kimi was the other driver I really hoped I might be presenting the award to. I boldly strolled up to him extending my hand and said, ‘Hi Kimi, can I introduce myself? My name is Nathalie McGloin and I’m presenting the third place trophy on the podium tomorrow’. His face instantly broke into a smile and he very kindly agreed to have his photo taken with me. As we were posing for the photo, I asked him how he’d done in quali as I hadn’t seen the results yet. He told me he was third on the grid and I said that it might very well be me who would present him a trophy in that case. He smiled politely and told me that he was hoping to finish higher up than third and maybe I should ask if I could give one of the other trophies out! I wished him luck and headed home for the evening. ..... What happened next is something I did not expect and something that completely blew me away. As I approached the podium with the third place trophy on my lap to give to Kimi, he recognised me from meeting him the day before and his face completely lit up. He came down from his podium with a huge smile on his face and helped me pick the trophy off my lap to give to him. ‘It’s you!’ he said, to which I responded ‘I told you I’d be here!’. He then shook my hand with an enormous grin and went back up on to the podium to show off his trophy to the crowds. I couldn’t get passed the third place podium due to the lack of space so waved to Lewis and Seb my congratulations. Both of them then got down from their own podiums to shake my hand with Lewis giving a lovely warm two-handed handshake. As I left the podium I didn’t quite know what to do with myself, I was so emotional. All three of the drivers stayed to chat to me and have pictures taken and I couldn’t have asked for a warmer reception from all three of them.
Quote: jpp47 wrote in post #12No longer words on Jenni. But of Mintu people find Kimi is a lucky guy with her and kids. As he lives very close to the Sauber factory he can almost visit them in pajams.....
Hi sweet jpp47
Whoa, you are our MAN in the 'field' now, knowing so much more than we do!!
Kimi told the Finnish reporters, that he suffered every time he went to work (to Ferrari), because Robin clinged on to his foot and didn't want him to leave and he felt bad about it. Now he can take Robin with him to the workplace!
Here are two Finnish interviews that give a whole new and different picture of Minttu - she is not the gold digger Jenni was, it's real love:
quoteMinttu Virtanen: I don't go crazy over money or fortune
It's a normal morning of a family with a baby. The night has been peaceful, because the baby woke up to eat at 7 a.m. The couple is making coffee and eating rye bread with slices of cheese and cucumber. The 4-months old baby is still sleeping upstairs. The father of the family has a rare day off.
– Are you sure that you don't need me here today? the man asks.
His wife assures him that everything is okay. He grabs a backpack and goes hobbying. Today he intends to drive motocross.
– Drive safely, honey.
She gives a kiss to her man and pours more coffee.
Hermès and paper towels
Minna-Mari Virtanen sounds like woman, who can park the babycarriage on a restaurant's terrace. have a cup of coffee and let an unknown women peek in the carriage. The everyday life is not so simple though, if your hubby is F1-driver Kimi Räikkönen and you are the mother of his child.
Minttu's and Kimi's love story began a couple years ago at a party thrown by mutual friends.
Before meeting Kimi for the first time Minttu didn't think much about him. It all changed, when Kimi proved out to be everything else than the Iceman. He made Minttu laugh. The next day Minttu went to see their mutual friend at Kimi's cottage and the rest is history.
A few years ago Minttu served bread rolls to passangers on Fly-Be's flights. Now she is being catered in a private plane. Her one-room flat has changed into hundreds of squaremeters in Switzerland Baar and Helsinki.
In Kaskisaari there is a bag of bananas and paper towels on the dining table. There is also a black Hermès Birk. the world's most wanted handbag. The sun shines in through a window, which has the size of a wall, and you can see the terrace, the dock and the ocean. On the left wall there is a fireplace, over seven metres high.
– When I ordered the curtains I thought it would be no big deal to put them up, instead it required almost a crane to put them up, Minttu laughs.
She has furnished the living room with Italian design. Minttu's family lives their everyday life inside a locked gateway and with a top notch security system. There nobody stops to stare, hands their cellphones or starts to tell how they should live with a baby.
Nanny from the Danish Court
Suddenly the elevator's hissing sound is heard and after that a small and happy utterance. The baby has woken up and he is coming downstairs in his nanny's arms.
– Sweetheart! Minttu cries and opens her arms.
The baby's face is all smiles and his tiny legs kick madly. Robin Räikkönen, who now is in his mother's lap, looks just like his father.
They hired a nanny from Iceland through an international agency for nannies. Minttu interviewed six candidates before she found the best one. Robin's nanny had earlier taken care of children in the Danish Royal Court.
Robin is going to be raised bilingual with the help of the nanny. They have ordered a whole bunch of children's books from England, and they are in constant use.
Minttu tells how she was criticized in the public for getting a nanny. People have wondered if she doesn't have time to look after her own child.
To all critics: Kimi is away a lot and he wants to make sure that Minttu and Robin won't suffer at that time. Add to that that their actual home is in Switzerland, far away from relatives and supporters.
– I think it would be unreasonable to ask help from Kimi, especially when he is preparing for important races.
Minttu raises her jaw as if to assure her own words. She puts down her coffeecup in a controlled manner and her being is cool like a cucumber, completely different from Minttu's outgoing and sporty public image.
– This is my role. If our roles were reversed, then I'm sure Kimi would come to the paddock to support me. Kimi has taught me, that I shouldn't be too nice.
Fortunately she doesn't have to worry about envy or blackpainting in her own home. That is, if she can stay away from certain websites. These day she avoids them. At first she was horrified and didn't understand how unknown people could attack her only because of the pictures.
– I was very hurt, until Kimi told me not to read anonymous comments. The comments only tell how badly some people suffer within.
Minttu can count her friends with one hand's fingers. To them Minttu is the same old Minttu as before. But towards others she is becoming a fitting spouse to the Iceman. An Icewoman, who's expression and gestures remain calm, even if milk would spill on the Italian design-couch, or if she would be surrounded by sea of cameras.
Kimi didn't want a wuss
We are both strong-willed and stubborn, Minttu says.
– But we don't fight. Kimi appreciates that I have my own opinions. He didn't want to mary any wuss.
Minttu is already anticipating battles of wills even with Robin.
– I am happy that we had a son. I understand boys. As a child I played football or icehockey rather than played with barbies.
Minttu was never interested in school. She was a daredevil. It is difficult to believe it now, when Minttu sits on the chair with grace and stock-still, like she would be at an official dinner. Minttu tells, that her mom was very strict about table manners, cleaning and money. Although they didnt count every euro her mom raised them to buy only what they need. She got new jeans only after she had cleaned her room. Mom was affectionate, but you never messed with her.
– I tried though, but mom always won in the end, just like it is supposed to be.
- My four years older sister was a poster child, but I wanted to do everything opposite.
Her mother was CEO in a logistic company. Their home was spotless and the mother always made dinner for the family.
– Without mom our everyday life wouldn't had been running.
Mom's death changed everything
Minttu shows a framed photograph. On one side is her mom as a young woman, thoughful with round cheeks. The collars of her blouse are straight.
On the other side is young Minttu, with bare shoulders, hair in a bun and a twisted glimpse in the eyes. Mother and daughter. The style is different, but the similarity is obvious.
Minttu was 19-years old when her mother suddenly died at 45-years old at home of a brain heammoraghe. That is when Minttu's life didn't only change. It collapsed.
– At first I didn't want to talk about it. Yet the human mind is such, that it won't dwell in difficulties for a long time. I had to start living the daily life.
Minttu studied business economics and worked in a store. She lived in a fog. It helped a lot to stay busy in school, work and hobbies.
– Mom's death made me stronger - and harder. I understood, that life never goes as you have planned.
– Which is why I can't paint pictures of the future, I rather live in the moment.
Not to the paddock like to a night club
After her mom's death Minttu spent a lot of time with her dad and they supported each other.
Sporty Minttu loves running, but after Robin's birth she has reduced her jogging to three times a week. Minttu keeps a blog and thinks of it as her job.
- I get a salary.
Minttu presents in her blog her paddock-style, gives training advice and Monaco-hashtags. She even posted about Robin's Christening with lightblue Macaroni-cakes. You can see the same straight-forwardness in Instagram, where she posts pictures of her family and sprinkles hearts. Minttu justifies her openness:
– I get to decide what is written about me. Media copies my texts on their websites.
Minttu thinks that she will work in the future with sport, wellbeing or fashion. Whatever it is, it has to be close to her heart. She doesn't have to worry about money.
– Some may complain that I have a 10.000 dollar handbag. Yeah... it was given to me as a present and I'm not going to give it away, even if it would annoy some people. It doesn't mean that I'm crazy about money or fortunes.
What have you done to your husband?
When Kimi is racing Minttu and Robin travel with him. They skip Brazil's and Mexico's races for security reasons. Minttu doesn't also think that it's fair to fly a child to USA, due to the jet lag.
They have decided to keep their house in Kaskisaari, altough they only visit Finland once in a month. The house and the yard are idealistic for a family with children.
Kimi comes home and you can see the light shining from his eyes.
What have you done to that man, Minttu?
- Kimi has realized that life can't be lived like before. He has learned to appreciate that he has something stable: a family. And he has realized this all by himself. I haven't guided him in that matter.
Minttu and Kimi don't think about marriage right away. However it would be nice to have the same surname. Tough experiences have taught Minttu, that it's difficult to imagine your life ten years ahead. But you can always hope, and the hope is clear.
– It would mean that Robin has a little sister. The baby can be a boy too.
Minttu smiles. Her shy smile originates from Tuusula and there is nothing more genuine that that.
– I love you to the moon and back from it, the nanny reads to Robin.
quoteMinttu Virtanen: "Kimi would take a bullet for me"
Minttu Virtanen, 28, opens her eyes and smiles when watching at her sleeping sweetheart Kimi Räikkönen. Little Robin giggles in her arms. Minttu gives him a kiss on the forehead. She is happiest here and now.
– When Kimi wakes up, he brings me breakfast to bed.
To Minttu it is an important gesture of love.
– Kimi would take a bullet for me. He is completely dedicated to the family and he always thinks about us first. In work he is selfish and hard, at home he is warm and wonderful. At home you wouldn't even notice who he is and what he does for his living.
Kimi and Minttu are best friends. They tell everything to each other. When Minttu chats about clothes she has bought, Kimi has the patience to listen.
– As long as Kimi is by my side I don't miss anything.
Trusting issues
– When we met all I could think was 'what a wonderful human being'. I didn't think 'wish he was my boyfriend.'
Quite the opposite, Minttu was horrified by the thought.
– I had followed Kimi's life from the magazines and I was afraid that he would treat me just as badly. I remember thinking: 'f'ucking hell, am I really doing this?".
– I couldn't trust Kimi completely, but neither did Kimi trust me. It was so damn sad. Kim always has to think if people's actions to him are genuine or if they want to take advantage of him in some way. It took time before Kimi let me close to him.
In November 2013 Minttu moved with Kimi to their home in Kaskisaari. In May 2014 she moved to Kimi's house in Switzerland.
– It was difficult to stop working and leave Finland. However I was happy to finally be together with Kimi. Finland had become an distressing place for us and it was hard to be apart from each other.
We had dated for a year.
– We talked about it for a long time. Kimi wanted me to stop working, so that we could see each other more. I started to believe strongly that our relationship will last and that Kimi will take care of me.
The pregnancy came soon after that
After a few weeks Minttu felt sick. Kimi believed that she was pregnant.
– We had just decided to try to get pregnant. I didn't believe it would happen so fast.
Kimi stormed to the store and bought a bunch of pregnancy tests.
– I took the test three times before believing that I was really pregnant. I felt confused, but also so happy.
When the contractions finally began the couple went to the hospital. But the birth didn't start. Kimi and Minttu went back home through the grocery store.
– That's when I got another contraction and my water broke. We went to the hospital at noon and Robin Ace Matias Räikkönen was born at 9.27 p.m.
Minttu felt safe all the time. She had a doctor and five nurses. Kimi held her hand.
– Kimi wondered afterwards because I didn't even scream. He was really proud of me.
Switzerland is my home
The everyday life consists of taking care of the baby, training together and cooking.
– Kimi is often the chef. I assist him, but Kimi doesn't allow me to use the knife, Minttu laughs.
After dinner we just chill.
– I enjoy that so much. Robin is with his nanny in the evening and Kimi and I go out to eat.
Mom's death made me stronger
– I want to be like my mom was: loving and affectionate, yet strict. I want Robin to learn manners when he is a small child. For my mom family always came first.
A nanny gives free-time
– When Ferrari found out about my pregnancy, they told Kimi immediately to get a good nanny. And Kimi was definite about it. Kimi wanted that when he is away, there is somebody at home who makes sure that everything is good with us.
– Thanks to the nanny I can be a much better mom and wife. I have time to give attention to my man. When a baby is born, too often it goes so that the person who was involved in the babymaking is forgotten.
If I find something nice, I buy it
At home Minttu loves to wear Kimi's hoodies and shorts, but she makes an effort for the races.
– I couldn't wear the same clothes twice at the paddock, otherwise hell would be loose in the media.
– It's amusing and sad. You can critisize what I look like and my relationship with Kimi, but motherhood is a very personal thing for me. I don't take any critisism of that.
– I enjoy that we can do what we want, but our feelings for each other have always been the most important thing.
Kimi wants more children
Kimi asked Minttu to marry him on her birthday, 12.11.2014.
– After Robin's birth a princess wedding means nothing to me. Only the change of my surname. We are going to marry when Robin can walk and understands what a wedding means.
– Kimi is more enthusiastic than I am when it comes to children. He would be ready to make another baby immediately. As would I also, unless the pregnancy wouldn't be so limiting. I don't want our children to have a big age difference.