Must be a hard time for his wife and his children (and the rest of his familiy and friends). Hope everything will turn out okay at the end!
"Walk on, through the wind, Walk on, through the rain, Though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart, And you'll never walk alone, YOU`LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!"
Quote: WHATEVER wrote in post #36 Any news? No changes? Is this positive?
No news. They want to tell, when something changes with his condition. I can´t tell you, if this is positive or not. I´m sure he is in very good hands and his brain need time to heal. I´m sure it was (again) a sad day for his family. All the best wishes to him. And I hope Corinna/ his kids/ father/ brother have good friends on their side
Read an interesting article about a promising skier who had an unfortunate fall while training in Austria..
quotePosted: Tue December 31, 2013 12:50PM; Updated: Tue December 31, 2013 12:55PM Michael Schumacher faces struggle if he recovers from accident
Daniel Albrecht suffered a brain injury when he lost control while training in Kitzbuehel, Austria. GIOVANNI AULETTA/AP GRENOBLE, France (AP) -- Daniel Albrecht counts himself among the lucky. The Swiss Alpine racer left spectators gasping in horror when he lost control during a training run in January 2009, landing on his back and sliding down the icy slope. Then came three weeks in a medically induced coma and months of struggling for a simple word or phrase. Ultimately, while still in his 20s, the former world champion had to give up competing in the sport that he loved. But, viewing Michael Schumacher's critical brain injuries through the prism of his own, Albrecht knows his own luck held "when I came back as a nearly normal guy." Doctors for the Formula One great affectionately known as Schumi are sober, saying that his condition remains too fragile to think beyond his immediate survival. MORE: Schumacher shows small, surprising sign of improving Those who recover from severe brain trauma are in the minority, according to one member of the team treating Schumacher at Grenoble University Hospital after he fell Sunday while skiing and struck a rock, cracking his helmet. Dr. Jean-Francois Payen, the hospital's chief of intensive care, told BFM-TV that medical literature puts that recovery rate at 40-to-45 percent of patients. "But, once again, these are statistics. And me, I don't work with statistics. I work with patients. So we're going to work" on Schumacher, he was quoted as saying. Schumacher's doctors said Tuesday that the seven-time F1 champion remained gravely ill, although his condition improved slightly. He underwent surgery for a second time to remove bleeding in the left side of his brain. "I know what it is and how serious the problem is," Albrecht told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. "Now we know he has a brain injury so you never know what happens next. I think I was a little lucky when I came back as a nearly normal guy. But it needs a long, long time." The Swiss ski team doctor who worked with Albrecht told the AP a key difference is that Schumacher's case is complicated by the bleeding. "(Dani) had no bleeding, it was a concussion. When you have bleeding, the question there is `Is it possible to do (treat) it fast so that you don't have too much damage?"' Dr. Hans Spring said. Nearly five years ago, Albrecht was the 25-year-old rising star of an improving Swiss Alpine team. As reigning world champion in the super-combined, he was a potential medalist at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics in the event won by American Bode Miller. On a sunny Thursday in Austria, while training for the storied downhill race at Kitzbuehel, Austria, Albrecht flew 40 feet in the air off the final jump, landed on his back and was thrust forward on his face before sliding to a halt. Doctors in Innsbruck kept him in a medically induced coma for three weeks to help his brain and lungs heal. "The vital signs are perfect but you never know something about brain function," Spring recalled Monday. "The real work begins when you wake up. Then it takes years, and not months and not weeks. Neurological deficits are really a complex story." Albrecht spent a further two months in the hospital, including at a specialist clinic in the Swiss capital of Bern. Physically he was strong, but he had problems concentrating and finding the right words to describe objects or express thoughts. "My wife was also there and she was patient. That was so important for me," Albrecht told the AP. Albrecht was determined to resume his career. Both he and Spring believed that a professional athlete's competitive drive and dedication to training are important factors in a patient's chances of having a successful rehabilitation. "If you are a sportsman, you have a goal and then you work for it," Albrecht said. "After an injury in the head, you lose so much and you have to work a lot." Schumacher, the German driver, retired from F1 racing just 13 months ago. He will be 45 on Friday. Albrecht's determination brought him back to top-level racing almost two years after his accident, though not as a contender to win. He never bettered a 21st-place finish in his comeback race in a World Cup giant slalom at Beaver Creek, Colorado. "He was skiing at the World Cup level, and that is better than 99.9 percent of everyone else skiing today," Spring said. "That is fantastic, but even then there is a little gap (to the highest level). That was his problem." Albrecht announced his retirement in October after sustaining a serious injury to his left knee last season in downhill training at Lake Louise, Alberta. Today, the 30-year-old former racer has his own ski clothing brand - named Albright - and helps coach and mentor young skiers. "I have my own business and I can do nearly all like before," Albrecht said. "Some things are not going as good as before, but it's not so big a problem for me. It works."
Yes, I agree with Schumi's doctor. Statistics and probabilities are one thing and dealing with someone as determined as Schumacher another. If Shumi gets a chance to recover maybe he will. So that's what they are working on, to try and give him a chance to recover.
Remember everybody expecting Kubica to never be able to drive again? And there he is winning in the WDC, maybe not at F1 top level because of all the buttons, but still good enough for driving a WDC car with some aid.
I have a friend, she is two years older than Schumi, but her accident happened as she was 43 years old. She fell as she was riding a horse and hit her head to stone. She didnt have a helmet and doctors said in hospital, she had died if she had had one because riding helmet had broke her spine at the bottom of her skull. She was consious when ambulance came but as Schumi she got unconsious while coming to hospital and stayed in coma for two weeks. She had lesions in her brain which they couldnt remove and they are there today, the biggest one is pressing her temporal lobe but the minor ones did vanish on their own. The biggest one is the problem because its affecting to her brain tissue , she has to eat the same medication as alzheimer patients eat. Before the accident she was very talkative, noisy and determined and so is she today. But....the list is long and smashing if you think your everyday life. She has to wear knee support in her left knee because her brains doesnt "know" anymore she has a left leg. Her left leg sort of gets its nerve commands from right leg, so she has a bit of problems in walking. But she drives car and works normally. She doesnt taste anymore anything, her sleeping rhythm is mixed up so , that she doesnt "know" when to sleep , because she isnt tired. Her brainds doesnt react normally. She doesnt feel heat, so she doesnt get sweatty at all, even in sauna. She doesnt feel hungry, so she eats by clock. She doesnt lose weight because her brains doesnt react to normal messages from body. So she doesnt even get fatter. She cant smell anything. She doesnt feel when she has to go to toilet, so her kidneys have hard time. Every basic function is mixed up . Only things that work normally are her breeving and heart rate. Those are the outcomes of her accident because it hit harder the bottom of her skull where lies the basic functions of humans well being. But the one that presses her temporal lobe...well, she is unpatient, cant controll properly her feelings and especially her rage, she is very very lively, can go on and on because she doesnt get tired, but she cant cope with multiple tasks at the same time. So she has a safe oven for example, everything is in her calendar , because she cant remember things, she is a bit like alzheimer patient but not so bad, she remembers her friends and kids and hubby and so on. But she is very good at organizing things,so she has a job as boss of logistic company and thats where she really is unbelievable. She lost a lot but like sometimes autistic people have, she is very good at something and thats her salvation. Now it all depends where the damage is, and how bad it is..but if the news are nowhere near the truth, Schumi has a long way ahead of him, like my friend took two years to get updated with all the things she had as an outcome of this accident. Best of luck to Schumi and lots of strenght to his family. They will need it.
Happy New Year and for sharing your friend's story, Apple!
I posted the article about the Swiss skier because trauma accidents to the brain are a very foreign subject to me, even though I work in the medicine field. I'm accustomed to seeing patient's on the ventillator but they wake up quickly when we turn off the sedation. We do see patient's who suffer anoxic brain injuries (cardiac arrest or stroke - then loose oxygen to the brain), and those patient's can take a long time to recover, if they ever do recover. But trauma injuries are very foreign and I didn't realize the patience needed during recovery. As different stories are being shared because of Michael's unfortunate accident: it's appearant that everyone takes a different recovery path. And hopefully Michael will start on that path soon.