It seems that they only made the decision one month ago which seems strange but what do I know " title="dunno" />
ZitatIS: Different styles of life are tearing apart Räikkönen Thursday 14.2.2013 at 07.07 (updated from 07.48)
The business unit's data, Kimi Raikkonen and Jenni Dahlman-Räikkönen thoroughly discussed the state of their relationship about a month ago.
Kimi Raikkonen and Jenni Dahlman-Räikkönen have made of the business unit of the marriage contract in England. (IL) December, the couple spent together yet, but the change of both spent their friends in different countries. The final, and in-depth discussion took place in relation to the state in January.
Much consideration and in-depth discussions, they understood that living under the same roof, it is impossible because of different life styles.
- Eroratkaisu took a hard, Räikkönen have said of the business unit that.
Friends believe that the divorce papers, the submission is still some way off, but the difference in the event of Jenni's future is secure. The pair has made ​​a marriage contract in England. Husband of Condition content is not public information.
Living in a couple of different addresses will still get along well with each other.
If I correct a little..the thoral conversation about the state of their marriage was held one month ago,they spent the christmas together but for example new year they spent apart with each of their own friends. They are separating because of different lifestyle and the desicion wasnt easy to make. Prenup has been made in England and according to information the paper has Jennis future is secured.
Just one question, did they had the prenup before they got married? I know usually they sign the prenup before marriage, but the article sounded like they signed it recently in England " title="hmm" />
I understood so that the prenup has been made before or at the time of the marriage in England. In Finland they dont have prenup. Here it should be done before marriage. I am pretty sure the prenup was made in England because in Finland ,despite the prenup the other party can sue you and demand that the prenup should be made resonable. Then its up to the judge will it happen or not.
I'm not happy about anything in regards to this situation. It is a really sad situation for both Kimi and Jenni. The Finnish F1 superstar getting the Miss Scandanavia model for a trophy wife! It looked great on paper. But the differences between the two are glaring. The only way this relationship could work is for one partner to make an ultimate sacrifice and give up their "hobby." Which neither seem willing to do. And it's understandable given their ages. Both are in their early 30's and have a long life ahead!
At around 0:53 when Kimi smiled and said "I can't do this with you behind the camera" I can hear vaguely a female's voice laughing (gently) in the background. I have a feeling maybe it was Jenni there " title="hmm" />
Zitat von SonnyYou could always ask Lotus on twitter
I think the video was done by Kimi's own crew (those guys who filmed his rally videos during his rally days) in his house in Switzerland and sent to Lotus. don't think Lotus will have any clue about who were there...