Senna never changes his line. Just watch how the front left tyre never seems to change its distance from the white boundary line of the circuit. Yet Seb still hits him before he turns into the final chicane. I don't know what he's thinking to be honest " title="confused" />
Just LEAVE A SPACE and turn into the corner. One of these little accidents could lead to a large mistake. In the current season: that could spell disaster. The field is competitive enough.
If there had to be blame: I think it's 100% Seb's fault for moving across into Senna. But the stewards just warned him. I think he's pretty lucky. They could have said you did something similar earlier in the year. Even though I think that isn't totally the truth.
I'll watch it. At least I can tell you how it went
It's not live, I think it is taped a few hours before it airs. Because I just saw the ad. Mark Walberg goes first and then "folmula 1 racer" Sebastian Vettel's next (that's how they called him).
Oh my it was sooooo good. Vettel is so funny, he even said "fuck" and "big balls" on US national TV! No really, you should see it, it was nice. I bet a lot of people are going to start watching F1 and follow Vettel now.
One story: when he was passing Canadian customs, they asked him: "so what was your reason to visit Canada", he said "well, the race" so the guy asks: "Oh the race, did you had a good seat?" and Vettel said "yes I had a good seat, I was driving!". So the guys turns his eyes back to the passport to read who he was! " title="ha" />
Zitat von WHATEVEROh my it was sooooo good. Vettel is so funny, he even said "fuck" and "big balls" on US national TV! No really, you should see it, it was nice. I bet a lot of people are going to start watching F1 and follow Vettel now.
One story: when he was passing Canadian customs, they asked him: "so what was your reason to visit Canada", he said "well, the race" so the guy asks: "Oh the race, did you had a good seat?" and Vettel said "yes I had a good seat, I was driving!". So the guys turns his eyes back to the passport to read who he was! " title="ha" />
I'm glad Seb got the chance to show his personality a bit but my god, I'd forgotten how much I disliked Letterman as a host. I've seen his interviews before with actors and he never lets them speak! The amount of times he cut Seb off, it was driving me insane!
But like I said, Seb was great and I liked his customs story h" title="hih" />
I personally thought letterman came off as an arrogant prick. I'm not a big fan of talk show hosts who do not let the interviewee actually speak. Vettel never got to finish many sentences. IMO, there isn't much worse than someone who doesn't know what they are talking about (DRS) trying to talk over someone who does.
Aside from that: Seb had a few brilliant moments. I loved the customs story! ha" title="haha" /> And when asked about how the new circuit will be he says: you need big balls and makes a hand motion! ha" title="haha" /> Just brilliant from the " title="ger" />
I wish he would have said something smart to Letterman when Letterman said "don't forget that" after he said USA is bigger than " title="ger" /> . I was really hoping for something..
But great that we got a Formula 1 star interviewed in the USA. A step in the right direction. Next is Formula 1 down in Redneck country! " title="ii" />