Zitat von KingaThanks Ludy, James and Icemaid " title="hug" /> It means a lot, and I really mean it. " title="oi" />
@Ludy: I'm glad you felt the same about the music as I did. I always try to find a music that touches my heart and/or brings emotions in me. When I've found this song I already could envision Kimi flying in the desert with his DS3. I can tell that the music is the biggest inspiration to me. When I feel like this while listening to a song then it's easy to put a video together. Otherwise I can't do anything.
You're welcome Kinga! " title="smile" /> I understand what you have said about the music thing. I love to write stories and I only do that listening to music, to relax, to feel what I am about to write. That helps me a lot, my inspiration comes from music too so I totally understand you!!! " title="hug" /> And you have done such a great job with these videos. I always feel so emotional and happy! Thank you!
Zitat von OlgaKinga, just came home and found a video present waiting! I always love your videos....so, thank you once more! " title="hug" /> And thanks Wolfie for collecting them in one thread, so when missing Kimi becomes unbearable, we can see them and feel a bit better! girl" title="yay" />
aww Olga, somehow I missed your post. Thank you so much. " title="hug" /> Good idea you have, I do the same. I watch Kimi videos when there isn't a rally.
OMG, I didn't know that, thanks for telling me " title="oi" />
@Nicole: thank you
It's not the first time they link your videos
Hehe cool. s" title="yess" /> I've seen them on rallybuzz.com too, and i.e. at Russian, Japanese and of course at a couple of Hungarian sites. gum" title="cool" />
OMG, I didn't know that, thanks for telling me " title="oi" />
@Nicole: thank you
It's not the first time they link your videos
Hehe cool. s" title="yess" /> I've seen them on rallybuzz.com too, and i.e. at Russian, Japanese and of course at a couple of Hungarian sites. gum" title="cool" />
Your videos are on other sites aswell???! my" title="ohmy" /> Not far from becoming a legend then!
" title="oi" /> thanks for the kiss Kingy, kiss + bunny dance from you would equal heaven " title="hug" />
Zitat von Kinga Hehe cool. s" title="yess" /> I've seen them on rallybuzz.com too, and i.e. at Russian, Japanese and of course at a couple of Hungarian sites. gum" title="cool" />
Cool! I thought you knew about motorsport-magazin. From now on, if I see they link your videos, I will tell you.
I can't remember if I've seen them there or not Thanks in advance, Mar. " title="hug" />
@Rage: yeah, I knew about some sites in the world and in Hungary, and of course some Kimi forums and sites. Sometimes I saw Momo put the links to the KR official forum. I'm a member there and was quite active some years ago, some of my friends are from there but nowadays I don't visit it that much, the activity is minimum there since Kimi's gone rallying.
Okay, just now, just today, this is for you Ragy-baby " title="kiss" />
Zitat von Kinga Hehe cool. s" title="yess" /> I've seen them on rallybuzz.com too, and i.e. at Russian, Japanese and of course at a couple of Hungarian sites. gum" title="cool" />
Cool! I thought you knew about motorsport-magazin. From now on, if I see they link your videos, I will tell you.
I can't remember if I've seen them there or not Thanks in advance, Mar. " title="hug" />
@Rage: yeah, I knew about some sites in the world and in Hungary, and of course some Kimi forums and sites. Sometimes I saw Momo put the links to the KR official forum. I'm a member there and was quite active some years ago, some of my friends are from there but nowadays I don't visit it that much, the activity is minimum there since Kimi's gone rallying.
Okay, just now, just today, this is for you Ragy-baby " title="kiss" />
Well you are getting famous! Maybe what I said should be considered eh? " title="hmm" /> investing in a new laptop...selling all your videos for promos...then you go to many Rallys and races!!! (and take me with you " title="huh" />)
Oooo! " title="oi" /> am in heaven now.... " title="drool" /> Thanks! " title="hug" />