I will be very busy with my son's first comunion on Kimi's birthday, so I'm writting a couple days early...
Happy Birthday Kimi !
How many years? 35? 36? I lost count...
Anyway, he's still young and has acomplished a lot more in his short life than lots and lots of people. I really admire him and not only for his F1 Championship or for his success, but for his integrity and autenticity, his honesty and straightfordwarness, his fighting spirit and his way of enjoying life, whatever life may bring.
So just keep being you Kimi and I'm sure life will keep smiling at you
Finnish Sport magazine has also an interview of Minttu. There is partly the same things as the other interview but I will translate the story in parts when I have time.
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#290 | RE: Iceman 2015Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:55 pm (Last edited: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:52 am)
Here is the interview in SPORT magazine, I didnt translate the parts that have nothing to do with Kimi and Minttu or that are the same as in the Elle magazin. Sport magazine 9/ 2015
At 7 am young and sporty woman arrives to our photo shootings without makeup, hair slightly moist.She could be on her way to work, bank or office but small details tell you otherwise. Minttu Virtanen is dressed to brand new Adidas from tip to toe. Big Celines sun glasses cover her eyes and a platin ring with giant diamond shines in her finger. Audi RS 6 waits outside and a bottle of mineral water on its floor. Usually Minttu drinks specially purified Penta water that doesnt taste anything but absorbs to your body immiaditely. Her husband orders it from internet and they have one room full of water in Switzerland. No, we are not in common circles now. ( The story goes now in Minttus training habits, I dont translate it unless someone wants)
Two and half year ago it started when Minttu made the best desicion of her life. When her friend asked her to join them at Kimi Räikkönens summer cottage at summer 2013, she hesitated. All the headlines about Kimi were in her mind and the image she had was like" good for nothing" . Then she desided, " hell, the holiday has just started and it could be fun".Meeting wasnt love at first sight. Minttu avoided Kimi and didnt ask nothing. Icy bum image was about to be tested as Kimi turned out to be fun and very warm person. " I felt good with him, his stories made me feel nice and I thought it would be nice to have a such a guy as a friend in my life. But then it all changed quite quickly. The weekend turned into a few days . At July Minttu went to Hungaroring and in November Minttu moved to Kimis 500m2 luxyry villa in Kaskisaari. (Again a few details about training in Switzerland )
Minttu runs steep hills alone in Switzerland while Kimi trains with his cycle. They have not exercised together much as Kimi is in much more better shape than Minttu. " When we run together Kimi just jogs along while I run with maximum pulse. Both of us want also to win.We have to avoid those moments so it doesnt change to show. Our badminton rackets have broken more than often when I have lost to Kimi. We have also our own gym in Switzerland and in Finland. It makes your life easy you dont have to go somewhere to train."
Minttu has always known she wants to be a mother some day. She didnt know it would happen so fast after meeting the right person. The couple travels with " one week at home ,one week at road" periods. Even if its hard, Minttu wants to travel with Robin to see Kimi. Only Mexico and Brazil will be skipped because of safety reasons.It would be dangerous to reveal when and where they are, so Minttu publish the travelling pictures after the races and Kimi reads her blog before its published . Minttu is all the time under eyes when she travels with Kimi. It has been hard for her to get used to it and she still feels a bit uneasy when someone looks at her.
There is a tattoo in Minttus shoulder ,taken at the age of 14. The wedding date isnt desided yet but Minttu assures the tattoo will not be there when she wears her wedding dress. She dreams also about at least another child. But right now Minttu feels she isn at the right place with the right person. The happines is in small things. The morning coffee ,her husband brings to her in bed, cosy home evening on the sofa with him, or dinner outside with him. She doesnt care about jachts or Chanel purses. The biggest luxyry in her life is the nanny. She can go training when ever she wants.
( As the article is mostly about training , they naturally write it at that point of view. In the magazine there is also Minttus training programm.)
Funny to read she won't go to Mexico and Brazil for safety reasosns
If I was responsible for Minttu's and Kimi's safety, I wouldn't advise them to come to Latin America. But for the ones of us who have to live here, it's just another day home.
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#299 | RE: Iceman 2015Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:38 am (Last edited: Sat Oct 24, 2015 10:39 am)