Zitat von Kurskihttp://www.hymy.fi/tasta-puhutaan/kimi-rietasteli-prostituoitujen-kanssa-uskottomuus-rikkoi-avioliiton Kimi partying with prostitutes: Infidelity in marriage broke!
Zitat von Kurskihttp://www.hymy.fi/tasta-puhutaan/kimi-rietasteli-prostituoitujen-kanssa-uskottomuus-rikkoi-avioliiton Kimi partying with prostitutes: Infidelity in marriage broke!
Google- Translator isn´t so good. Maybe some finish people can translate it, even if it are only rumours or a tabloid paper.
Ok, I thought I have seen this name in somewhere..about the news itself..it says Kimis and Jennis marriage went down to the toilet because Kimi was having affairs with prostitutes allready during their marriage in a place called Bonanza . I am now naughty " title="ha" /> and tear down a bit of this news,just a bit.. First of all, Bonanza was at the side of highway and indeed there was prostitutes as the police was investigating the motel already at 2002..as this was the year when there was a fire in the motel and it was destroyed completely. Since 2002 there hasnt been any motel called Bonaza. So if Kimi was cheating her wife it must have been some other place. Interesting part of it is,there was conversation in finnish site (where they talk about everything) about the motel and some guys were claiming there had been seen Kimi at the year 2002. So..the news that now occured conviniently during Barcelona tests, might have some thruth in it, but not much. I smell dirty game here.
We could help avoid nonsense like this to spread out.
I read Nicole's translation of it, but believe me when I tell you you're not missing anything good. I really didn't felt like sharing it. It's like Apple said, something may have happened back in 2002 and now they are claiming it destroyed the marrige early on. They weren't even married in 2002! And the motel doesn't even exists since 2002.
They're just trying to mess up with Kimi during tests, let's just hope they leave him alone during races.
So best thing we could do is ignore them, like Kimi does.