I was seriously considering to change myself to fish. I bet I would have had a cracking time with the under water world life keeping in mind “don’t bite the baite.” My tree was standing on the hill to where the water level would never rise..or would it? Tree wasn’t very impressed with the constant rain either. It had lasted for weeks . Young birches were horrified as the water concurred the roots of them. They were afraid of the ice. I had stared standing waters for hours,trying to see whats under the surface..small ripples reached the shore every now and then, but nothing else was there for me to see, other than what my imagination offered to me. In this world there simply isn’t the thing that would remain the same. I comforted myself. Even tree changes , altho slowly unless it desides to do something flashy like turn its apples to diamonds… “You know, the girls like diamonds.” The tree raised it eyebrows. So I waited and waited. One morning I went to the shore again. I looked at the surface and saw it in the constant move. The water was full of life. My heart got wild. I looked up , to the north. I smelled it. The ice is coming. The message echoed thru the forest,grass, water and sky. “It comes from the desert” Whispered the tree. How peculiar, I thought, but remembered how from the dark night of the desert the coldness creeps above the sand. For some reason I remembered the other desert, desert full of Kimi fans, on their long migration during his two years journey. I remember the countless lights, the sea of fires that covered the whole desert, not so far from here..I started to walk faster and faster, forgot I can fly, and hammered my feets to the sand , destination Abu Dhabi. I felt the pain in my bare feet, small wounds in my skin , coldness in my chest but fire in my heart. Suddenly I heard the thunder everywhere, above me, around me, inside me. I looked everywhere but couldn’t see anything. I listened again and knew. Thousands of beating hearts. The thunder became louder and louder the closer I came to Abu Dhabi. But the thunder came from around the world. There is no drum that could prevent these beating hearts to sing their rhythm to the world. The joyrney in the desert had ended. And still, in the middle of this thundering beat, I could hear one heart..how peacefully and firmly it told its message to us..“I know what I am doing”. The other one didn’t know. It was still driving tricycle. It was until the podium the heart beated faster out of pure joy. I looked the threesome, one pondering will he ever be in the hall of fame for the reds, one black knight, back in the round table and young bull, sometimes here sometimes there, but eventually in the right place.
Slowly I vanished to the dark but glamorous Abu Dhabi night. In the middle of the desert I heard the wolf. I joined her. Somehow it felt appropriate. It makes you feel the mix of deep elation and primitive fear. Perfect.
Days after days it rained, white layers after layers, until my tree vanished from peoples sight and awareness like there had never been tree on the high hill, under the northern sun, constantly watching the world and its beeings..And still, under peoples noses it offered cosy home to many of the forests furry little animals when the icy wind blew from the north. It offered home to me. I had it inside the snow, on my trees branches and just to my delight the tree had grown one or two leaf to be my flowers during the long winter. - “you didn’t grow apples..” -” Ápple juice it would have been..I am worried over those birches who stand in the water now, their roots under thick layers of ice..” “Isnt it like…Iceman had covered us all to this ice.We didn’t expect it, but here we are, steadily iced , totally iced by the Iceman. Where he is by the way? He cant hide in the shadows anymore, the forest has let the light inside its heart.” “ He has made his own way to hide in the light..you have seen him speaking very straightly about things and sometimes people cant stand it. So they leave him alone. He really knows what he is doing.”
“ I heard Grosjean went to help to Santa.” “Really? How?” “ He was signed to do crash tests with toys. Somehow he managed to wreck them all.” I wrinkled my forehead. “Oops.” “Alonso went to the “want to be a millionaire” show…he used all the help he could get, asked the audience, clarified the rules, phoned to Ecclestone and picked up fifty fity..and still didn’t won.” “ I thought he is a millionaire already.” “ Button went to some course.. How to raise a child. Still I have the feeling he isn’t going to get a baby.”
“ Well, he is thoral chap isn’t he?” “ Good ladd, indeed. Webber went to anger management course. He is shooting rabbits on the wilderness.Those little furry sweeties..one of them actually has its teeths in your..err.. They pop up from here and there when you least expect and he is also learning to avoid to step into their holes.”
“ Err…okay, hows our boy Schumi?” “He made it to a whole new area..he is the Santa. You know, he figured Santa has to be super fast to manage to go around the world in such a short time. “ “ I heard he stumbled to Hammy on the way?” “Hammy wanted to be the leading reindeer..” Heard tho the old salt have made him thirsty .”
“Never ending story ..hows Vettel?” “ Celebrating like it’s the end of the world coming and still reserved the trip around the world for next year.” “Good spirit”
And then there was a moment of silence. At that moment, the spirit of the racer blowed over the northern world, just saying, I am here, in the shadows, but ready to go to the light. And I looked my tree who suddenly made a flower by side of its leaves and whispered “May your journey be blessed”, Luieluv.
Apple thank you very much for the story! " title="ty" /> " title="hug" /> Very entertaining! t" title="hat" /> " title="ii" /> I was laughing a lot! " title="ha" /> " title="ha" />
Snowing at the end of march. Half a meter of snow at the end of march. -16 C at the end of march. Peter Pan has returned. Joyfully he is flying over the paddock, past the old foxes and young ones whose ears are still wet..he is the racer that never grows old, never gets slow and never ever starts to act like others would like him to. "Peter Pan??" the tree asked and started to cough. "Got cold lately? Yes, and how many times have I asked you not to read my thoughts all the time. " " You are like an open book. I dont have to read your thoughts." I closed the book Peter Pan on my knees. "I have to ask tho..,tree started, who is captain Hook?" Tree threw the book in the air and it vanished in a split of a second. "In his reds he shall haunt the boy in his blacks to the end of time...or should I say until the time will literally eat him..you know..the clock is ticking..tick tack tick tack...." "I thought they took a photo of him in Maranello ,made a carbon model of him and put it outside the gates." "Then what?" "There is a small line under the carbon model. *I guard here*" "Well..er..have they heard about dogs? Did you hear what happened to Vettel? I heard it was Hungry Heidi which took the control and ate Webber in Malaysia. And captain Hook was so taken of the Hungry Heidis well..err...rear , he threw his hook to er..her rear. Dangerous car. It has to be careful tho it doesnt eat everything..even Vettel himself. Then again..the black ghost got ahead of Heidi in Autralia.." "Hows the other lost boy?" "He was lost in Australia, ate french fries on the paddock . But then again the lost boy got there, so he found something. Maybe he even finds himself...like I think Lewis will do..altho he didnt find his team at the other day he will find himself. " "Well..thats the start. You know what?" tree sighed and spread it branches a little bit wider. "What?" "Even if this all feels a bit uncomfortable and err..cold , even you can see the signs. Stay sharp, stay hopefull, stay relaxed. The signs are there."
I stood at the highest branch of the tree and felt how the strong wind threw my hair around my head . The wind was cold , coming from the center of the northern world. " Its May already and still we have these strong and stubborn winds blowing from north..but somehow this wind feels different.." " The world we have known has been different from the beginning of the year, you know..but you are right. the winds have changed..altho they come from the north they are warmer. Even the winds of change have changed." "You are talking with riddles but what can you do when you live with the tree for thousand years.."I sighed. "And you even look like it" tree giggled. "Life is made of changes, the world is in constant move, how do you think it would be any different for people? There are people who can live with the changes because they dont care about things too much. Things that are vanity." "How do I feel we are talking about Kimi?" "Kimi has been in the middle of the big changes, even made by himself, so he knows its possible and inevitable. He is not going to spill his coffee in near future." "I am if this wind doesnt change. It hangs on in winter and its May for gods sake!" "Its like Kimi hanging on in second place." tree giggled. What on earth was going on with her? "Have you been watching too much short haired Kimi pictures with mysterious smile by any chance? "What smile?" Oh, dear..thousand..wait , thousands of years of old tree giggling like a young girl is too much for my nerves so I desided to show up in Bahrain in..well, just to show up. Webbers figure was fading in spinning sand, coming and going ,he was covering his mouth with a scarf and continued his way..but to where? Alonso had been the king of the hill in China but as always , there is someone who pushes you away and if you dont watch in your legs, you may even fall down. Kimi had been holding on with his tooth and nails in the podium, even with the bleeding nose. Even tho the engineers must have had a thrilling time with the dice in the pit wall , they should leave the start to Kimi. As there wasnt much trees at the neighbourhood I just made a tree with the sand and Kimi came to look at it. "Oh, hello." "Should have known its you. " " Nice to see you too..tell me, you seemed to change your driving style just like that when the car was ..potatoe nose in China."? "Yea..well, I was trained properly. While I was driving for the lobsters , I mean. Its relatively easy to change this and that in one race. But when the car changes from weekend to weekend, it becomes difficult, like you would be dragging the stone sleigh with you. Every weekend you have to adopt the new way and you notice it just by following what the driver says about the set up. " " A driver says : I didnt quite find the right set up or the set up window is narrow for me" "yep..like I said they trained me well. .. sometimes the car is designed so its difficult, sometimes its just made difficult. Ask Massa." "Where the heck did he vanish?" "I think he found Pandora somewhere..begging for something." "Okay..oh, there I see them..there is Marko and Lauda too. " I saw the long line chasing someone in the desert. Managed to spot Grosjean, pushing baby carriage, his Lotus car in it. "He has given a birth, I see" raising my eye brows. "Its a long long way.." Kimi mumbled and blew the sand out of his sun classes. He didnt have a stone sleigh to drag, in fact , it looked like he wasnt dragging anything , from past or future. He just is, here, now and a little bit warmer, like he had taken something for rally with him... Back home I stood at the highest branch of my tree. The wind blowed again and a little bit warmer.
Zitat von Appletree "Its a long long way.." Kimi mumbled and blew the sand out of his sun classes. He didnt have a stone sleigh to drag, in fact , it looked like he wasnt dragging anything , from past or future. He just is, here, now and a little bit warmer, like he had taken something for rally with him... Back home I stood at the highest branch of my tree. The wind blowed again and a little bit warmer.