Zitat von icemaidToday start to feel a little blue already...
" title="there" />
The only thing keeping me going through winter ( " title="brr" /> ) is plenty of . And all of the " title="choco" /> Olga buys me from Munich airport! " title="hug" /> " title="ii" />
Hopefully we will get some F1 news soon. For example: does Grosjean continue? Some of the articles on autosport have been really good to read!
I'm going to the US GP (Austin) again. I have my hotel room booked. Not worried about the other planning (airplane, car, tickets) at this time. Hotel is by far the hardest part to attending this GP.
I wish I could come to Belgium.. But it is too hard for me in my current job. It falls the weekend before (American) Labour Day. It's hard for me to get off work between Memorial Day (early may) to Labour Day. Most of the pharmacists I work with all have children. And this is the most popular time of the year for parents and children to travel because the children are on summer break from school. We have over 50 pharmacists in the hospital I work at.. And only 3 can be off on any given day. So demand is very high for the summer months.. I also have several other trips planned next year. So adding Belgium to the list might be too costly for me. If I didn't have student loans.. It may be another story. " title="oi" /> But I must pay for the school that allows me to afford to travel in the first place. " title="oi" />
YiNing: Do you go to Jerez on a yearly basis? Or is it coincidence that you went last year and may attend this year? That sounds like an awesome trip!
Zitat von Sonny YiNing: Do you go to Jerez on a yearly basis? Or is it coincidence that you went last year and may attend this year? That sounds like an awesome trip!
I went to Jerez for the first time this year (Feb this year not last year h" title="hih" /> ) witnessed Kimi's amazing come back in the pit building and paddock and I was hooked... arts" title="hearts" /> thinking going to either Jerez or Barcelona next year " title="ii" />
Zitat von Sonny YiNing: Do you go to Jerez on a yearly basis? Or is it coincidence that you went last year and may attend this year? That sounds like an awesome trip!
I went to Jerez for the first time this year (Feb this year not last year ) witnessed Kimi's amazing come back in the pit building and paddock and I was hooked... arts" title="hearts" /> thinking going to either Jerez or Barcelona next year
and i think of joining you! h" title="hih" /> one such event the way we are talking about it, as long as Kimi is in f1, will be... " title="run" />