Rich: my comment was directed toward Maria and being " title="" /> thinking Kimi doesn't have a chance to go to McLaren.. The robertsons have been present in the paddock the last few GPs. " title="wink" />
Zitat von SonnyRich: my comment was directed toward Maria and being thinking Kimi doesn't have a chance to go to McLaren.. The robertsons have been present in the paddock the last few GPs.
I read so many tweets about prez to McLaren. I was kinda of shocked , didn't see him as a good fit. Kimi would have been so much better . Your right , we wait and see, maybe we will be happy surprised t" title="hat" />
The Lewis to Mercedes rumors are very strong right now. Of course I would still like to see the actual confirmation before believing this.
It would be nice if Kimi had a real shot at Mclaren, but Mclaren have been in the habit of hiring up and coming drivers if their "lead" driver left them. So going by their history someone like Perez will properly be their first choice. It should be interesting in some ways, Latino drivers have never really fitted in well at Mclaren it would be interesting to see if this could change under Withmarsh.
ZitatLewis Hamilton will on Friday bring to an end one of the most controversial and long-running transfer sagas in Formula One history by announcing that he is leaving McLaren, the team he has been with over half his life, for rivals Mercedes in a three-year deal which could be worth as much as $100million (£61.6million).
if Kimi does not go to McLaren now....i get the feeling he will never go " title="oh" /> he'll stay at Lotus... and with EB and RG i'm afraid things will always be rocky, please someone slap me to get out of these thoughts " title="sad" />