My first topic here, so I'll start with what I usually do on every F1-related forum Im on - a F1 nostalgia thread for your favourite stories, videos and pics of your heroes from the past and present. I thought such a thread might be useful after we got with Wolfie too much offtopic on the welcome thread.
We started with Keke at the welcome thread so I wont post that again. Instead I'll post a story of my F1 hero...only in rallying. And it's not Kubica ;-)
My first memories came from 1986 when the first Hungarian GP took place. Then the great battles between Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna. How could one forget them? Prost and Senna winning their WDCs, Senna's accident, his funeral, then Mika's winning his WDCs, his crying in the bushes, then discovering this blondie called Kimi at the Hungarian GP in 2005, seeing him struggling at McLaren, being the fastest driver on the planet, him winning in Suzuka in 2005, him becoming WDC finally and then his awful times at Ferrari, his crash in Spa in 2008 and his fantastic win in Spa in 2009, me witnessing his last podium in F1... Then me hating F1 for 1 year then realising that I can't because I love it, because I miss it like crazy... 25 years of being a fan of this sport.
Thanks RKS for this thread...and for this great site that hosts the article you posted...
my interest for f1 started at university, fluid dynamics course...first the airfoil problem and work on planes...then examples from f1 aerodynamics. imagine seeing races in class and then talking about them! wow! i was dazzled, got a fast heartbeat...then got amazed by the combination of engineering, team work and a great athlete!
of course Senna was my first favorite!....then Schumi....then Kimi.....
The first race I saw was the last race in 1997 where Schmu wanted to kick out Villeneuve! If it was another race maybe I would have been a fan of Schmu But since then I can´t stand him at all! He can do whatever he wants in my eyes it´s always wrong
The first full season I followed was in 1998! Back then I supported Häkkinen! In 2000-2001 I didn´t watch one race (dunno why ) and then I watched the first race in 2002 and saw Kimbo for the first time! Well you can imagine what happend since then ha" title="laughter" /> " title="oi" />
Can't remember my first ever race " title="dunno" />
But the first race that comes to memory is the 1998 Australian GP, I watched F1 a few years before too, I know that since I have video cassettes with races recorded from then, and everyone else in my family telling me I that I watched it before.
I just remember cheering for Ferrari, don't know why I liked Ferrari, and I don't know why I liked Schumacher, but I just remember cheering for them even before the race started " title="dunno" />
Didn't like McLaren, because they had rocketships, and I never liked Ron Dennis from the get go, plus Schumacher always somehow managed to challenge the McLaren's, and the Williams before.
My two memorys were I probably rank at the top would be Brazil 2007, and 2008. 2007 just the sheer joy of Raikkonen and Ferrari winning out of nowhere, Alonso not becoming the worlds youngerst triple champion therefore not beating Schumacher's record (again), Hamilton losing as I totally despised the guy from the Monaco race onwards, arrogant, cocky, smug, his actions on track and off track, I actually liked this guy at the start of the season. I didn't like the guy so much I would rather have had Alonso to win the championship if Raikkonen didn't. Finally Raikkonen won the title he wanted...looked like a new era for Ferrari.
Then there's 2008, being a die hard Ferrari fan from what I can remember, seeing a Ferrari car win was great for me, I supported Raikkonen and Massa, then Raikkonen was out of the battle, and Massa was left, Massa was proving everyone wrong in that 2008, some of his drives where just amazing, to see him where he is now, is a pain. But the emotions when Vettel passed Hamilton, I got the goosebump feeling, out of nowhere in that race, Massa might actually become champion? " title="blink" />
He crosses the line...and wooow! The roar from the crowd when he crosses the line! Then is on Hamilton and Vettel, Hamilton crosses the line in 5th, both Ferrari and McLaren garages celebrating, who won? " title="dunno" />
Hamilton " title="sad" />
And who lost in a cruel way?
Felipe baby " title="tears" />
Now I support a driver that's half man and half moose " title="moose" />
Zitat von RagingjamaicanCan't remember my first ever race
But the first race that comes to memory is the 1998 Australian GP, I watched F1 a few years before too, I know that since I have video cassettes with races recorded from then, and everyone else in my family telling me I that I watched it before.
I just remember cheering for Ferrari, don't know why I liked Ferrari, and I don't know why I liked Schumacher, but I just remember cheering for them even before the race started
Didn't like McLaren, because they had rocketships, and I never liked Ron Dennis from the get go, plus Schumacher always somehow managed to challenge the McLaren's, and the Williams before.
My two memorys were I probably rank at the top would be Brazil 2007, and 2008. 2007 just the sheer joy of Raikkonen and Ferrari winning out of nowhere, Alonso not becoming the worlds youngerst triple champion therefore not beating Schumacher's record (again), Hamilton losing as I totally despised the guy from the Monaco race onwards, arrogant, cocky, smug, his actions on track and off track, I actually liked this guy at the start of the season. I didn't like the guy so much I would rather have had Alonso to win the championship if Raikkonen didn't. Finally Raikkonen won the title he wanted...looked like a new era for Ferrari.
Then there's 2008, being a die hard Ferrari fan from what I can remember, seeing a Ferrari car win was great for me, I supported Raikkonen and Massa, then Raikkonen was out of the battle, and Massa was left, Massa was proving everyone wrong in that 2008, some of his drives where just amazing, to see him where he is now, is a pain. But the emotions when Vettel passed Hamilton, I got the goosebump feeling, out of nowhere in that race, Massa might actually become champion? " title="blink" />
He crosses the line...and wooow! The roar from the crowd when he crosses the line! Then is on Hamilton and Vettel, Hamilton crosses the line in 5th, both Ferrari and McLaren garages celebrating, who won?
And who lost in a cruel way?
Felipe baby
Now I support a driver that's half man and half moose